The Bjorem Gliding Minimal Pair Cards by Rebecca Reinking are for children who present with the error pattern of gliding their liquids
For example, your child might look at a picture of a “p” but say
“bear” instead.
The minimal pairs therapy approach has been used to treat children
who have mild-severe phonological impairments.
The Bjorem Gliding Minimal Pair Cards
* Targets gliding of liquids
* Total of 58 cards (52 minimal pair cards)
* 3 different types of cue cards
* Includes words in initial position & clusters
* Target sounds include 'r' vs. 'w', 'l', vs. 'w', and 'l' vs. 'y'
Targets Include: wing, ring, weed, read, white, write, whack, rack, wide, ride, wake, lake, wait, late, week, leak, weigh, lay, wick, lick, yuck, luck, yes, less, yawn, lawn, yap, lap, yay, lay, queen, clean, quick, click, sweep, sleep, swing, sling, swim, slim, tweet, treat, tweeze, trees, quack, crack, quest, crest, bear.
Card: 2.56" x 2.56"
Cues are a thick soft matte texture, they are not shiny or laminated so children with vision impairments do not get the glare.